Saturday, August 5, 2017

Italian Occupation - FIUME-KUPA 1942:

Here we have one great history of this very important place on Adriatic Sea.
Shortly just to inform about FIUME - Free State of, even that most of collectors have this knowledge, but "new generation" hardly know even where it is!

FIUME have an name on map long time back. In 1917 this territory first have an autonomy, at the time of Roman Empire, as free port. With a time go, this territory was under Hungarian Empire, than to Croatian "ban", than back and forth, till it come to the hands of Kingdom of Yugoslavia and so on.

In WWI it was under Italian Occupation, and as usually postage stamps was made.
This time, it was just postage stamps, which was available in Kingdom of Yugoslavia, King Peter II (Yugoslavia, 1939 issue) overprinted in Italian language ZONA/OCCUPATA/FIUMANO/KUPA, and so on with other text as O. N. M. I. or this one for "Maternity and Childhood" - Pro Maternita e Infanzia".

FIUME-KUPA "lived" very short period, from 1941 to 1943, and have just few postage stamps issued, all come of this Yugoslavia King Peter Ii issue, all together just four sets made, with first overprint come on May 16, 1941, set of 14 values. Next was in Jun 1941 with three value in set, than another overprint with overprint MEMENTO AVDERE SEMPER and one shown, which come on 1942 year, set of three value.

First set of 14 values, have an really great catalog value (Michel catalog number 1/14) of 13 000.00 euro for mnh condition.
Second set (Michel catalog number 15/17), with 15.00 euro for mnh condition.
Third single with two overprint variation (in black or violet color, Michel number 18a/b), have one good catalog price of 35.00 or 150.00 euro per sample.
last one (shown), is set of three value (Michel catalog number 19/21), with affordable 36.00 euro per set in mnh condition.

Little bit strange, but I don't see this catalog mark ("Falsh") near any of this issues, mean there is not known fake on market, but, for sure, I will suggest to everyone, if will go and purchase this issues, to go and buy it from really trusted dealer, or to have it with certificate, You know well that certificate is worth price!

Now, what You will find on market or internet offerings?
Little, better say almost nothing offered!
And that I see, is valued from full catalog, to even 300% up to catalog prices.
So, good luck! 

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